I've been having alotof Trapped dreams lately. either being pinned by something, or caught in a physical trap. so many and so intense that it has carried over the feeling into my daily life at times.
I am also currently 6 months pregnant with our second child. and i have a job, but need another. no one wants a 6 month pregnant woman working there. too many liabilities. knowing she WILL leave in 3 months or less. it totally blows. hence the trapped feelings.
i will love this baby. it will be loved like my first child is.
just makes it more fustrating that a act of love like my boyfriend does, makes me want to fight my way out from underneath him. either because i am pressed against a wall as he kisses me, or i feel his body touching mine and knowing there is only one way out of it. it just makes it extremely fustrating.
i know they will pass, a nd i will have this job to come back to when i am able after this baby. and possibly get a second one to stay caught up on the bills. but the first little while will be difficult, as this one is a november baby. and a month after that, is the end of christmas season, when it is the HARDEST to find a job. since so many people are being let go at that time. january is difficult.
So you can see why dreams of being trapped are coming up alot more lately.
the latest one was being a human in a cage with my daughters. (i have no idea if this one is a boy or a girl) but they were int here, it was 6 ft high, and 10 ft long by 8 ft wide. let out only long enough to do my job and put right back into the cage. my daughters were kept there, so i would come back. not a pretty dream at all. hopefully they will get better soon.
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